Customer Relationship Management + Marketing

Customer relationship management + marketing can be the easiest, strongest, and most efficient approach in creating and maintaining relationships with customers. Development of your relationship with your customers drives your business to new levels of success, they become loyal fans and are more likely to recommend you to their friends and family.

How are you staying connected with your current and past clients? Are you sending surveys to ask them how you're doing? Are you serving their needs? Are you thanking them for their business? In many businesses, their current and past customer based is their most untapped resource. Echo64 can help you create a plan to create lasting, beneficial relationships with your customers.

Social Media Marketing / Maintenance

​There are so many social media platforms these days - Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn.  All social media sites can be used to promote your brand, however not all social media platforms are the best option for your business and your audience.  We can help you figure out which is best for you.

Social media is about having a conversation with your customers... it's about being social.  You need to create conversations with your customers on a regular basis so that your company remains at the forefront of their minds when they're making purchasing decisions or recommending businesses to their friends and family.  

Echo64 will work with you to create a social media plan to maintain your social presence, ensuring everyone in your network feels loved. We'll monitor all of interactions and send you monthly analytics, so that you know exactly what is happening. We also provide you with materials to display in your place of business to get even more social traction.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

When you Google your business, is your company the first business to come up in the search results?  Is it even on the front page?  Search Engine Optimization, also called SEO, is the process of content creation that Google "spiders" use to assign rankings within a certain search.  Unfortunately, there isn't just one thing that your business has to do to rank higher in Google.  Rankings on search engines are a mix of things, from what pages are named, to images, to unique content available on your page.  

Echo64 can certainly help you create a more optimized website to help your company rank higher in searches.  The higher that you rank, the more people see you when they search.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) / Pay Per Click (PPC)

Search Engine Marketing are the "sponsored" links that show up in yellow at the top of a Google search. Businesses can pay a set dollar amount each month to appear at the top of relevant search results. Developing a successful SEM campaign takes a long time and has to be constantly optimized to ensure the best ROI and results.  

We can work with you to decide an effective amount for you to spend on SEM each month. We'll ensure that your SEO and SEM are working together and we'll continually monitor your results, making as many changes as necessary to optimize your campaign. Every month you'll get a report of your SEM results. 

Facebook Advertising

Facebook Advertising is a great way to reach a fine tuned target audience.  We can create and implement targeted Facebook advertising for your company.  Like all parts of our business, we'll work with you on your budget, execute your complete campaign and report back to you with the results.  All you have to do is sit back and focus on what you do best, your business.


Blogs are an effective way to continually create new content for your website. They're an excellent way to work on increasing your search engine rankings and get information to your customer base. In the blogging world, we can help in a variety of ways, from giving you tips on your current blog to creating custom content for your blog. We’ll also use reporting tools to send you monthly updates on what topics or posts are the most successful and what else can be done to capitalize on your blog.

Email Marketing

Emails to your customer base can be a great way to get your message out. We can work with your current list or we can work with you to create a list. We can create content for you, from monthly newsletters to daily/weekly sales updates. You'll receive reports for each email including how many people opened and if they clicked on anything within the email.
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